• Allied MMA Studio (map)
  • 1655 38th Avenue
  • Capitola, CA, 95010
  • United States

Ever feel unsafe entering the world for being so beautifully queer? Not after this class. We will be going over a spectrum of tactics for self-defense from physical to subliminal; posture, voice, how to escape grips, striking, and target areas to name a few. The hope is that your never attacked, but should it happen, come learn how to fight back and cultivate the confidence of a fearless feline who struts the streets. 

Kayanu is a trans / non-binary being with over 15 years of mixed martial arts experience. They have a second degree black belt in Kenpo Karate and have continued to train in Muay Thai, Boxing, American Kickboxing, and Kungfu. They come with a passion to share mindful martial arts through applying the integrated power of yin and yang to the balance of body, mind, and soul. 

Contact Information: Ezra Bowen

Phone: (831) 425-5422

Email: trans@diversitycenter.org