• UC Santa Cruz - Porter College (map)
  • 1156 High Street
  • Santa Cruz, CA, 95064
  • United States

West Coast Premiere solo exhibition by the internationally acclaimed artist Carlos Motta.
FREE and open to the public

The video installations and performance documentation in We The Enemy bring together histories suppressed, untold, and unspeakable, including the persecution of LGBTQIA+ individuals during the colonial project, current border politics, issues of theology and the church, and the history of medical research and HIV/AIDS.

The work which opens the exhibition in the foyer of the gallery, We The Enemy, 2019, provides not only the title of the show but also an embodied overview of how difference has been weaponized throughout history. In 2017, Motta formed the collective known as SPIT! (Sodomites, Perverts, Inverts Together!) with John Arthur Peetz and Carlos Maria Romero. We The Enemy is their manifesto, a compendium of slangs and insults directed at LGBTQIA+ people, ranging from ‘AIDS carriers’ to ‘degenerates,’ from ‘faggots’ to ‘dykes.’ The manifesto, performed by the Greek artist Despina Zacharopoulos, permeates the gallery space, sharp utterances that speak of centuries of harm and defiance.

Event or Organization's Website: https://art.ucsc.edu/sesnon/carlos-motta-corpo-fechado-devils-work

Event or Organization's Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/2587421194712821/

Contact Information: Maureen Harrison

Phone: (831) 459-3277

Email: maureen@ucsc.edu

Carlos Motta Corpo Fechado- The Devil's Work, 2018.jpg