The Diversity Center’s 60Plus Senior Program ushers in the New Year at the next bi-monthly luncheon on January 13, 2018. Come and enjoy a healthy and delicious chili lunch and be entertained by two program members, Enrique Ortiz-Villegas and Lou DeLucia aka “the Centaurs”. This is their debut performance with musical stylings filled with the sentiment and romance of the 40’s, 50’s, and 60’s. You won't want to miss this event! Bring a friend and don't forget to RSVP
We happily host a 60Plus Luncheon five times a year: January, March, May, September and November. We start with social time and a yummy lunch followed up with a talk about an important topic of interest to LGBTQ+ seniors or some light entertainment. A great way to help you digest!