• Santa Cruz City Hall (map)
  • 809 Center Street
  • Santa Cruz, CA, 95060
  • United States


Women's March on Washington is coming to Santa Cruz County! 
This event is hosted by Cynthia Hawthorne, Erica Aitken, Maria Boutell, Maryanne Campbell, Jenny Sarmiento, Amy Dahlen and Rachel Williams. 

The Women’s March Santa Cruz County will coincide with the January 21, 2017, Women’s March on Washington, DC. Scheduled for the day after the presidential inauguration, the all-inclusive non-partisan march is for women, men, and children to stand together for the protection of human rights, safety, and the importance of vibrant, diverse communities. We march in solidarity and stand with our partners and allies to protect the rights of all including the LGBTQ rights, immigrant rights, religious freedom and the rights of people of color. 

Our permit with The City of Santa Cruz allows us to gather at City Hall at 1:30pm with an inspiring send off from the Taiko Drummers, MC Laurie Roberts, speakers Karina Cervantez Alejo and Kanyon Sayers and local musician, Keith Greeninger. We will then march together down Pacific Avenue to our afternoon event at Louden Nelson Center where we will have food, drinks and a wonderful lineup of speakers and musicians.

Joining us will be Secretary of the California Natural Resources Agency, John Laird, MariaElena De Garza from Community Action Board, Jessica Dieseldorff of Planned Parenthood Mon Marte and Mark Hodges, Senior Director of ROP along with musicians, Penny Rocket, Tammi Brown, Coffis Bros., Taylor Rae, Alisa Fineman and Aileen Vance and Holly Near.

This community building and unity driven event will also include many of our local nonprofit organizations that work to protect women’s rights, immigration rights, LGBTQ rights, and human rights to share their vision of the days ahead under a Trump Administration. We will discuss how we as a community can support their work to help our neighbors in this time of fear and uncertainty. There are a few more details coming, but what we need most to make this Women's March successful...is YOU!