• The Diversity Center (map)
  • 1117 Soquel Avenue
  • Santa Cruz, CA, 95062
  • United States

No matter where you are on the gender spectrum, The Diversity Center's Trans* Program has something for you. Support groups for and by trans* folks, referrals to trans* friendly providers, lively conversations about the specific ways being trans* impacts us, fun outings -- these are just some of the ways we serve you.

Santa Cruz Trans* Masculine group meets every 2nd and 4th Sunday from 6:00PM-7:30PM at the Diversity Center. This group offers peer support and social connections. All FTM, Transmen, masculine-spectrum, butch, boi, folks questioning their gender, etc are welcome. 

For more info or questions - contact Nate at transmensgroup@diversitycenter.org.
