• Private residence in S.C. by Safeway and Morrissey (map)
  • RSVP for location
  • Santa Cruz

 LGBT+ Night is open to anyone who wants to enjoy cuddling people of their same gender. This is a safe, non-sexual place to learn good communication and boundary setting skills, get to know others in a fun environment, and cuddle if you choose! 

6:45-7:45ish Linda leads a workshop of communication exercises where we practice saying "no", ask for the kinds of G-rated touch we want, respect other people's boundaries, and get to know each other.

7:45ish- 9:15 You are welcome to socialize, observe, practice what you learned through words, eye gazing, cuddling, back/hand/foot rubs, or even leave early if that feels right to you. 

All touch at Santa Cruz Cuddles is optional, consensual, and non-sexual. Through strongly-encouraged healthy communication, we all learn to simultaneously take care of ourselves and get our needs met while respecting everyone’s boundaries. 

To RSVP, please go to the Santa Cruz Cuddles page of Meet Ups, or call Linda at 626-344-3986. The address will only be given to people who RSVP.https://www.meetup.com/Santa-Cruz-Cuddles-Meetup/events/234192666/

Contact Information: Linda Selby

Phone: (626) 344-3986

Email: lindaselby521@gmail.com
