• CA-1
  • Santa Cruz, CA, 95060
  • United States

We will explore Wilder Ranch along the Engelsmans trail loop. This is about 4.5 miles with and elevation gain of about a 500 feet. 

Meet north of Wilder Creek Interpretive Center, on the dirt lot of Hwy 1. We will be at the East end (towards Santa Cruz). Highway One just North of Santa Cruz (~1.8 miles past Western Dr), Santa Cruz, CA 95073 United States. Coordinates: 36°57'43.6"N 122°05'04.8"W

Please bring: plenty of water, snacks, and sunscreen! If you are interested, you can explore the beach after the hike. 

Please RSVP so we know that you are coming. If you want to carpool, ask in the comments below.
Rain cancels the fun :(

We are a men and male identified hiking group... at this time.

Join the meetup group: www.meetup.com/santacruzhikers/events/226799913/